Leadership in Academia

Empower yourself, establish change, enhance your career!

 A workshop series focussing on career development and inclusive leadership in academia

Workshop 1: Self-leadership in research – how to tackle 24/7 responsibilities and strive for innovation
Thursday, 5th of September 2024: 9 am – 1 pm

In this workshop you will discuss the challenge of being an excellent researcher while having to balance a lot of responsibilities, be it in your professional or your private life. You will reflect on your (leading) role in your research responsibilities and learn why it is important to know what you do, how you do it and why you do it. You will also think about tasks and challenges you experience in your daily (private) life, which influence your professional career path. Whether you have kids, have other care work to do, need a special work environment due to chronic illness or disability or simply feel the burden of packing too much into your time – This workshop targets to empower you to tackle challenges and at the same time strive for what you want to achieve.

Workshop 2: Power structures in academia – how to responsibly use micropolitical interventions for your career advancement
Friday, 20th of September 2024: 9 am – 1 pm

In this workshop you will take a deep dive into the meaning of micropolitics in academia. You will get to know the importance of informal power relations when pursuing a career in academia and beyond. You focus on the question what gender, social background or other categories have to do with decision-making processes in “excellent” academic environments. You will get impulses on how to responsibly use micropolitical interventions and your network for your own career advancement – especially when considering a leadership position.

Find more information and registration here.

Workshop 3: Toolbox for changemakers – how to create sustainable change in your (research) team and establish a culture of trust.
Tuesday, 1st of October 2024: 1 pm – 5 pm

The workshop will provide a short overview about current challenges in science related to gender and diversity. We will then explore what psychological research says about how to make change happen in organizational settings. The tools discussed will be among others: unconscious bias awareness, hiring procedures, empathy building and code of conducts. The workshop will consist of theoretical inputs and exercises as well as group discussions. Goals: This workshop will convey a message of hope and empowerment to the participants without downplaying their perceived helplessness and frustration. Throughout the 4-hour programme, we will work on the way they perceive their own position and influence in the scientific system and identify tools that will be helpful for them to create meaningful changes in their immediate work environment. We will also identify networks and solidarity structures that can further support their endeavours.

Find more information and registration here.

Workshop 4: Diversity-sensitive job application training – how to present yourself in the application process authentically
Tuesday, 8th of October 2024: 9 am – 1 pm

Part 1: Diversity-sensitive tools in recruitment processes. Explore the various tools and strategies that selection committees can utilize to ensure a non-discriminatory and inclusive job interview process. Participants will learn about gender-sensitive job descriptions in postings, structured interviews, and the pros and cons of implementing blind recruitment to mitigate unconscious bias. Use this knowledge to identify diversity sensitive employers and to prepare yourself for the process.

Part 2: Addressing Stereotypes and Self-presentation in Job Interviews. The second part of the workshop aims to sensitize participants to common stereotypes that may arise during the hiring process. You will learn about the most common biases (halo/horn/similarity effect etc.), the gender citation gap and why women are less likely to initiate payment negotiation. Additionally, we will have a focus on the differences between countries and cultures in terms of what is considered a successful self-presentation in a job interview. Develop an understanding of how valued qualifications and competencies vary between cultures and acquire skills to actively deal with that. The goal is to learn how you can present yourself authentically.

 Find more information and registration here.


A cooperation of DESY COAST and Pro Exzellenzia plus.

Supported by PIER Helmholtz Graduate School & dynaMENT (a cooperation between DESY and University of Hamburg).

Das Projekt Pro Exzellenzia plus wird von der Europäischen Union und von der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg (FHH) finanziert. Die Förderlaufzeit von Pro Exzellenzia plus ist vom 01.04.2021 bis 31.12.2024. Projektträger ist Hamburg Innovation GmbH.
Europäischer Sozialfonds
Stadt Hamburg