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Building trust and psychological safety in diverse groups | Präsenz-Workshop am 11.03.2024

11. März 2024 : 10:00 - 18:00

Successfully leading a team is a skillset that can be learned. This includes a heightened awareness of how to establish an environment in which a group can be successful. This principle applies not only to scientific team leaders but also to individuals engaged in „knowledge-work“ beyond academia, where innovation and intricate problem-solving are paramount. An essential aspect in this regard is self-awareness: understanding one’s preferred leadership style and knowing to adapt it to varying circumstances, delineating one’s leadership values, and discerning the specific needs of the group at any given moment. This is particularly critical when dealing with teams characterized by diversity in gender, age, culture, technical expertise, opinions, or experiences.

The aim of this workshop is to equip female academics with effective tools to embrace a 360° leadership role – one that allows upward, downward, lateral, and self-leadership. The acquired skillset not only prepares women for formal leadership positions but also proves immediately applicable in their current roles. The workshop places special emphasis on understanding the unique perspectives, challenges, and opportunities that women encounter in leadership roles. A central focus will lie on the art of leading diverse groups, thereby facilitating success with greater ease. The workshop addresses the following key aspects and questions related to leadership:

  • What defines me as a female leader and what may hold me back
  • Identifying an authentic (female) leadership style and leadership values
  • How to create empowerment and motivation considering the differences in diverse teams
  • How to create an environment to harness the power of diversity in groups
  • How to build psychological safety and trust for teams and yourself to foster innovation and solutions in groups

Workshop-Leitung: Dr. Insa Flachsbarth

Achtung: Diese Veranstaltung ist auf Englisch und findet in Präsenz statt!

Termin: Montag, 11.03.2024 von 10:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr

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11. März 2024
10:00 - 18:00


Pro Exzellenzia plus


Hamburg Innovation GmbH
Harburger Schloßstr. 6-12
Hamburg, 21079
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Das Projekt Pro Exzellenzia plus wird von der Europäischen Union und von der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg (FHH) finanziert. Die Förderlaufzeit von Pro Exzellenzia plus ist vom 01.04.2021 bis 31.12.2024. Projektträger ist Hamburg Innovation GmbH.
Europäischer Sozialfonds
Stadt Hamburg